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Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Chicken breast cutlet 鶏胸肉のカツレツ

This is another small nothing dish but is very good nonetheless. I had an extra chicken breast after making other dishes. I just sliced the chicken breast into bite sized pieces across the grain of the meat obliquely ("sogigiri" そぎ切り). I added salt and pepper to the pieces, dredged with flour, egg wash and finally coated with Japanese bread crumbs "panko". I fried them with a bit of olive oil (more than for sautéing, not more than 1/4 inch deep) until both sides become crispy golden and meat is cooked through. I just put a leftover marianara sauce on top and garnished it with fresh basil. You could add Tabasco to the marinara sauce to make it spicy if you like.

It is a somewhat mundane dish but a nice dish to start. We had this with a red wine but I can not remember which one this was.

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