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Saturday, February 25, 2012

Steamed tofu stuffed with shrimp and shiitake 海老と椎茸の蒸し豆腐

I tried to make something special for Valentine's day but it was a weekday evening and we did not have much time after we came home. We popped open a bottle of Champagne (blanc de blanc 2004 vintage but I cannot remember which one this was. Very fruity with no yeasty note and we really liked it). After enjoying the Champagne with a snack of nuts, cheese and crackers, I decided to make this dish since I bought the silken tofu from a Japanese grocery store the previous weekend. This is a rather healthy and simple dish which will go well with any drink including Champagne.

The ingredients are; silken tofu (one cut into four), shrimp (6 medium sized frozen, thawed and shell removed and chopped into small pieces), fresh shiitake mushroom (1 large, thinly sliced and chopped) and scallion (one finely chopped).

I mixed all the ingredients in a bowl and added salt (1/4 tsp), egg white (one medium egg), potato starch (about 1 tsp) and mixed well.

I scooped out the center of the tofu cubes with a spoon, making craters just large and deep enough to accommodate stuffing without making a hole through the bottom of the cube. I then sprinkled a small amount of potato starch using a tea strainer on the craters I had just created in the tofu. This helps the stuffing adhere to the tofu.

I gently stuffed the crater and mounded up the shrimp mixture as you see in the picture below. I placed the dish with four squares of stuffed tofu in a steamer (I used an electric wok with continuous steam) for 15 to 20 minutes.

For sauce, I mixed ponzu shouyu (from the bottle), sesame oil (just a dash) and Japanese one-flavor red pepper or ichimi tougrashi 一味唐辛子 and poured it over the steamed stuffed tofu. This is a very gentle nice dish. The flavor of the mushrooms really came through with a pleasant earthiness permeating the tofu. The next day, I microwaved the 2 leftover cubes to warm them up. The dish tasted even better the second day. It also had a better texture for some reason.

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