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Thursday, June 20, 2013

Miso soup with Daikon and daikon greens 大根と大根葉の味噌汁

When I find daikon 大根 with the greens still attached like this (below), I know the daikon  is very fresh since the greens are the first to go--wilting very quickly. Diakon is usually sold with the greens trimmed off. Not that the greens are anything special, however, when I see the fresh greens still attached, I have to use it somehow since it is rather a rare event.

Since it was lunch time when I came back from the Japanese grocery store and I had to use the greens immediately before they wilted, I decided to use them in miso soup. In addition, I thought the soup would go well with the package of rolled and Inari sushi 太巻き,いなり寿司 I had also found at the store. (I have not seen rolled sushi at the grocery store since the close of "Daruma" so when I saw it at the store we now frequent, I decided to try it).

For two servings of miso soup, I used two stalks of daikon greens and one half inch round of daikon. I finely chopped the greens and briefly blanched them then shocked them in ice water and squeezed out the excess moisture. I sliced the daikon rounds thinly, then julienned (below).
Beside these two items, I also thinly sliced aburaage 油揚げ (half a small or "koage" 小揚げ) which was first defrosted in running hot water and then the moisture squeezed out.

For broth, I could have used granulated "instant" broth but I used a dashi pack (mixture of kelp and bonito flakes). I made more than I needed for the soup and kept the remainder for later use.
I simmered the julienned daikon for 5 minutes in the broth. I put the aburaage, then dissolved in miso using a sieve and spoon specially made for dissolving miso (miso-koshi 味噌濾し) to taste. I then put in the daikon greens and let the soup come to a boil and immediately shut off the flame.
The miso soup was quite good and the Daikon green added nice color.

In addition to usual stuff such as seasoned shiitake and kanpyou, the futomaki contained boiled spinach (no seasoning) and pink and sweet fish flakes called "sakura denbu" 桜田麩. (The pink fish flakes reminded me of the futomaki my mother used to make since they were one of the ingredients she used).The Japanese omelet was made in a very amateurish way. The rice lacked any vinegar taste. Since unlike Daruma this grocery store does not have a kitchen I suspect this was made for the store by someone such as the wife of a Japanese visitor working nearby. Of course, I could have made it   myself but the convenience of buying some for lunch is nice.

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