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Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Garlic chive-Gyouza ニラ餃子

Since new shoots of garlic chives are coming out in our herb garden, we have to enjoy them while they are still succulent and tender. Later in summer, they will get really tough so this is the best time to enjoy them. One evening I made garlic chive Gyoza and served it as a small drinking snack.

The meat can be chicken or pork but I used pork.

Ingredients (makes about 12 dumplings):
Ground pork, about 220 grams (8oz) (I used hand chopped pork loin).
Cabbage, 3 leaves, boiled, hard vein removed, and chopped finely, and moisture squeezed out
Garlic chives, finely chopped, as much as you like.
Salt, pepper, sesame oil
Wanton skin, I used square store-bought skins but I cut them into rounds using a round biscuit cutter just for aesthetic reasons.

1. Mixed well in a bowl, seasoned with salt and pepper and a small amount of dark roasted sesame oil.

Place a small mound of filling in the center of the wanton skins.

Wet the periphery of the wanton skin fold and crimp the edge.

Using a non-stick frying pan with a small amount of vegetable oil (splash of sesame oil, optional), cook until skin is crispy and brown. We like crispy skin so I turned them over and browned the other side but this is optional (usually only one side gets browned).

I added about 4 tbs of hot water and immediately put a tight lid on the pan. When the steam stopped escaping, I removed the lid and let the moisture completely evaporate and let the bottom get crispy again.

I served these with an equal mixture of rice vinegar and soy sauce as a dipping sauce. I was a bit disappointed since the garlic chive flavor was not as strong as I expected. In the next batch, I may add more fresh garlic chives.

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