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Saturday, December 17, 2016

Braised spicy marinated tofu ピリ辛豆腐

This is a variation of the baked spicy tofu which I previously posted. Although we really liked this dish, it tends to get somewhat dry and spongy when baked as called for in the original recipe. Instead of baking, I cooked it in a frying pan. It added a nice brown crust while keeping the inside really moist. This is a much better way to cook this dish.

Since I had a fresh chives, I garnished it with them.

The preparation is the same as the baked version. The marinade consists of Sriracha (or other hot sauce, whatever amount to your taste), 1 tbs each of soy sauce, dark sesame oil, sake, rice vinegar with  grated ginger and garlic. I marinated the cubes of tofu for several hours to several days in the refrigerator. I removed the tofu leaving the marinade in the Ziplock bag. In a non-stick frying pan, I added a small amount of vegetable oil and browned the surface of the tofu cubes turning several times. When the surface was browned, I add all the marinade to the pan and turned up the flame. I shook the pan several times as the marinade reduced until only small amount of liquid remained coating the surface of the tofu.

We found this is a much better way to cook this dish. The browning made a nice crust and the tofu remained moist. The reduced marinade made a nice sauce making the mouth "sing" gently with hot flavor. It reheated well in the microwave. This is a perfect small drinking snack. This will go with either wine or sake.

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