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Friday, May 12, 2017

Rapini and scrambled egg 菜の花と卵のからし醤油あえ

I have posted a similar item before. When spring comes, one of the items many Japanese associate with the season would be "nanohana"菜の花  or rapeseed flower which I discussed to some extent before. Around here, nanohana is not available so we have to turn to two possible substitutes; rapini or broccoli rabe and broccolini. Broccolini looks similar to nanohana but does not have its bitter taste. While rapini does not quite look like nanohana, it does have a similar bitterness. This time I prepared rapini in the style of nanohana and served it with scrambled eggs.

The contrast of green and yellow feels like spring to me. The rapini is dressed in mustard soy sauce and the scrambled eggs have a slightly sweet seasoning.

For this dish, I cut off only the blossom end and blanched it in salted water, then shocked it in ice water to fix the green color. This process also tames the bitterness (since a lot of people don't particularly like the taste if it is too strong). I then squeezed out the moisture.

The dressing is a mixture of prepared Japanese mustard (from the tube), sugar and soy sauce. After tasting, I diluted it with Japanese "dashi" broth but that is optional.

Scrambled eggs were seasoned with sugar and salt.

This combination is a good one. The rapini has a sharp  mustard taste and a bitterness muted by the addition of sugar which was also carried by the scrambled eggs.

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