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Monday, June 5, 2017

Chicken wings simmered with prunes 鳥手羽のプルーン煮

We like chicken wings. We have posted quite a number of different ways to cook and enjoy chicken wings. Our most common way is to dredge the wings with flour and curry powder then bake at a high temperature in the toaster oven .  I wanted to cook them a different way and decided to try this recipe which is chicken wings simmered with prunes. The original recipe calls for a pressure cooker. I did not use a pressure cooker. Instead I cooked them longer in a regular pot. I also omitted the sugar.

I served them with blanched broccoli.

Chicken wings, 8, flats and drumetts separated
Prunes, 8
Soy sauce 2 tbs
Mirin 1 tbs
Sake 1 tbs
Japanese dried red pepper flakes (optional)

Just put everything in the pot in low flame. Although the original recipe called for water to cover, I did not add any water. I covered it with a silicon "otoshi-buta" 落し蓋 and put on the lid. I cooked it for close to 1 hour. I turned the chicken pieces once.

The prunes almost melted and added flavor and sweetness to the sauce. Even omitting the sugar (I substituted with mirin), this was plenty sweet. The meat did not get as tender as I expected. Other simmered chicken wing dishes made the meat much more tender. This is not bad but we prefer other chicken wing dishes.

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