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Saturday, May 2, 2020

Banana chocolate muffin バナナチョコレートマフィン

As we endure the corona virus inspired yeast shortage, my wife has been focusing on quick breads made with baking powder and soda. Both of which, we have in abundance. Also, under "stay-at-home" directives, she has been baking to her hearts content basically making her way through all the muffin recipes in the "Pastries from the La Brea Bakery" cook book. While taking an inventory of items in the freezer, she came across a bag of frozen red bananas which she had prepared some time ago to make her usual banana bread. She remembered that the La Brea cook book had a recipe for banana chocolate muffin and decided to use the bananas in that recipe instead. These muffins turned out to be more like a cake than a muffin but they are certainly good muffins. Since my wife reduced the sugar it is perfectly suited for breakfast.

Ingredients (makes 2 dozen muffins)
3 3/4 cup AP flour
3 cups sugar
2 Tsp baking soda
1 Tsp baking powder
1 cup unsweetened cocoa powder
2 1/2 cup of ripe banana, mashed (she only had 1 1/2 cups but went ahead without further adjustment)
5 eggs
1 1/4 vegetable oil
1 Tbs. vanilla

1/2 Recipe (makes 1 dozen muffins)
1 3/4 +1/8 cup AP flour
1 1/2 cup sugar
1 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp baking powder
1/2 cup unsweetened cocoa powder
1 1/4 cup of ripe banana, mashed 
3 eggs
1/2 + 1/8 vegetable oil
1/2  Tbs. vanilla

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. In a bowel mix the flour, sugar, baking soda, baking powder, and cocoa powder (# 1). In another bowel mix the bananas, eggs and vegetable oil (#2). Combine the flour mixture with the banana mixture (#3). Using a large ice cream scoop fill a heavily greased muffin tin (#4). Bake for 20 to 25 minutes or until the muffins are firm to the touch and a skewer comes out clean (#5). Let them cool for a while and remove from pan (#6).

These muffins don't rise so much as spread out. Thank goodness we put a cookie sheet under the muffin tin. Otherwise, muffin mixture would have been all over the bottom of the oven making quite a mess. As seen in #5, the muffins bled together making the tops heavy relative to the bottom so we had to cool them upside down as shown in #6 so the bottoms wouldn't collapse under the weight of the tops. Once they cooled completely, however, the bottoms could "stand up" to the oversized tops. Also, if we make these again we would try using two muffin tins.

These muffins were a mixture between a brownie and chocolate cake. They also reminded us of wacky cake but that may be because the main chocolate flavor came from the Hershey's powder used in both. They had a very chocolate flavor but we didn't taste the banana at all. The top was nice a crunchy. With the ridiculous amount of eggs that went into the batter the inside texture was very tender and the contrast between the crunchy crust and tender interior was very nice.

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