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Monday, August 15, 2022

Fatty tuna sashimi from Catalina 大トロの刺身

Some time ago, I got a small block (5 oz.) of frozen fatty tuna from Catalina Offshore Products. I was not sure if this was chu-toro 中トロ or Oo-toro 大トロ but upon thawing, this turned out to be very fatty Oo-toro. I tasted a small slice and it was very rich. You cannot eat too much of this but the portion we had was just right amount for two of us. Sometimes, oo-toro has layers of sinue between the fatty meat. Visually this piece appeared to have some. So I made shallow cuts across the sinue to make it easier to eat. But it turned out the sinue was not any botheration. In any case, I served this oo-toro three ways.

The first two slices were served as is (left and below). As mentioned, I just made several shallow cuts across the sinue.

The second piece I tried to make as "Aburi" 炙り but when I tried to fire up the small kitchen torch I use for this purpose, it did not ignite. So, I used a hot frying pan instead which did not add any char marks or char flavor. I seasoned it with Kosher salt before searing and then squeezed on some lemon juice.

The last one is cubes of the tuna dressed in mayonnaise, yuzu-kosho 柚子胡椒, x4 Japanese noodle sauce and chopped perilla. Yuzu-kosho flavor cut through the fat.

This was just the right amount of fatty tuna for one luxurious sitting. Perfect for cold sake.

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