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Saturday, April 1, 2023

Impromptu Cookout 予定してなかった野外の炭焼き

Although the cherry blossoms in our area are in full bloom, the weather has not been really great; gray and gloomy with cloudy sky and/or rain. Then, on Sunday, a bit unexpectedly, it was very nice, sunny and warm. So, my wife suggested we have a cook-out and sort of hanami with the food we cook. We also remembered that we had three frozen “sanma” 秋刀魚 pacific sauries that had been languishing in the freezer since last fall. So we decided to wheel out the Japanese charcoal grill and grill the sauries. Fresh sauries are traditionally grilled with their innards intact but I removed them before grilling. I just simply salted and grilled the fish. We also had grilled scallops as an appetizer while the fish cooked. We grilled rice balls as shown in the picture below. (Please disregard the green box shaped bird feeder in the backround which looks like it just sprouted out of the rice balls).

My wife carefully deboned the fish after grilling. We enjoyed this with grated daikon 大根おろしand soy sauce on the upper deck where the cherry blossoms from our cherry tree are in full view.

Nothing beats rice balls grilled on a charcoal fire. After the surface was grilled, I started applying the sauce (mixture of mirin and soy sauce) which made a nice savory crunchy layer.

So this was a nice impromptu grilling to take advantage of the lovely weather and have an hanami.

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