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Thursday, August 12, 2021

Mini waffle bowl ワッフルボール

My wife somehow got the idea of making mini-waffle bowls. She must have seen an ad for the mini-waffle bowl maker on the internet. In any case, it was inexpensive so we decided to try it.   It is shown in (#1 and #2) in the composite picture below. The maker came with a little cookbook that had several recipes for different kinds of waffle bowls such as pumpkin, chocolate or cheddar cornbread, which was very useful. We made the “classic waffle bowl” shown in the first picture. Making these bowels is not as straight forward as the instructions would have you believe. It took some trial and error until we got the hang of it. Once cooled down, the little bowel was quite nice and crispy.


Ingredients (made 13 mini-waffle Bowles).
1 1/2 cups AP flour
1 1/3 cups sugar
2 tsp. Baking powder
1 tsp. Salt
4 large eggs
1/2 cup whole milk
6 Tbs. butter
1 tsp. Vanilla

Mix the dry ingredients in a bowl and set aside. Mix the wet ingredients in a bowl. Whisk the wet ingredients into the dry ingredients until blended (#3) The instructions say ladle 3 Tbs. into the preheated waffle maker. This is where things get tricky—figuring out how much batter to put in. We ended up using our second to smallest ice cream scoop (#4). The next question was how much to push down the lid? Push too much and the batter runs out the side, too little and the bowl is very thick. We liked it when the bowl had a little lip as shown in #5. Another thing we noticed was that the hinge in the back was very tight and did not adjust to match the gap the batter made in the front. So the sides of the bowls were very thin in the back and very thick in the front. Also, it took about 5 minutes apiece to cook the little bowls. We ended up making 16 bowls (#6). You do the math on how long this project took to complete.


The little waffle bowls were nice and crunchy. They had a subtle sweetness slight buttery flavor. As just a cookie they were really good. They will make nice edible bowls to serve thing in. Next question what will we serve in them?

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