This all started when my wife found a package of mini-corn tortillas at Whole Foods (picture #3). Even without opening the package, we can smell the nice corn flavor. I did not make pulled pork but since I had a 1/2 lb of ground pork (left over after making gyoza,) I decided to make something similar to “Taco Caritas”. I made the spice mixture for the pork, salsa, and guacamole. Since we did not have lettuce, I also made shredded cabbage. Instead of sour cream, we used home made Greek yogurt (pictures #1 and #2). It was a bit messy to eat but it was quite good and we liked these corn tortillas.
On the top of guacamole is the Green yogurt (mixed with olive oil and seasoned with salt).
Ingredients (made 4 small taco):
Small corn tortillas (picture #3)
1/2 lb ground pork
Shredded cheese (we used cheddar)
Shredded cabbage (optional)
Taco seasoning (since we did not have chili power I did not use it)
I just mixed; ground cumin, ground coriander, smoked paprika, onion power, garlic powder, cayenne pepper and salt.
Salsa: (I made this several hours before)
3 skinned Campari tomato, chopped roughly
3-4 sprigs of cilantro, leaves removed and chopped (I used frozen cilantro leaves I prepared previously. This works fairly well. Much better than dried cilantro.)
2 stalks of scallions, finely chopped
2 tsp olive oil,
2 tsp lemon juice (or rice vinegar)
Guacamole: (I made this a few days ago)
1 ripe avocado, stone and skin removed and roughly mashed using a fork
2 tsp lemon juice
1 stalk scallion, finely chopped
1 jalapeño pepper, seeded and deveined, finely chopped
1tsp chopped cilantro leaves
1/4 tsp sriracha
Salt to taste
Greek Yogurt dip: (also I made this several days ago)
1/4 cup Greek yogurt (we used the home yogurt my wife makes, strained)
1 tbs olive oil
Salt to taste
Warm the tortillas (wrapped in aluminum foil in preheated 350F oven for 10-15 minutes).
In a non-stick frying pan on medium flame, add the pork, spread thin and cook until one side is browned. Crumble the pork and add the taco seasonings and cook until the pork fat is rendered and the meat is throughly cooked, set aside.
Assemble taco by placing the pork, cheese, salsa, guacamole, greek yogurt and cabbage on the tortillas.
Fold the tortillas and enjoy (messy, though).
For non-authentic taco, this was quite good and filling. For us, the mild heat was just right.
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Showing posts sorted by relevance for query taco carnitas. Sort by date Show all posts
Thursday, December 19, 2024
Monday, February 24, 2025
Quesadilla with Mini-corn Tortilla and Browned Cheese
My wife really liked the mini corn tortilla we got from Whole Foods (#1 in the composite picture). Using this tortilla, last time we made something resembling “taco carnitas”. This time, we made something resembling quesadilla with a bit of a twist. This was inspired by a Youtube episode in which melted and browned cheese was transferred to tortillas which were made into quesadilla. Since we made a mochi and mushroom dishes using the melted and brown cheese, it was not too difficult to transfer the browed cheese to the tortillas (#2 in the composite picture) to make our quesadilla. I added more cheese and small dices of roasted/Bbqed pork we had. I served this with guacamole I made a quick salsa (the first picture). This was a bit messy to eat. We ended up using folk and knife. This was very good the tortilla has nice corn flavor. The browned cheese layers made it better.
This is not a recipe but just a note for ourselves to remember.
Ingredients (for two mini-quesadillas)
Two mini corn tortillas (#1 in composite)
Two slices of low-moisture mozzarella cheese
Three slices each of sharp cheddar and smoke gouda cheese, cut int small dice
3-4 slices of roasted pork, cut into small dice
Salsa, sour cream (optional)
In a dry no-stick frying pan in low flame, add the slice of the mozzarella cheese.
The cheese will melt and bubble and edges start browning after a few minutes
Place the tortilla on the top of the melting cheese and let it cook for one more minute (the cheese needed to be uniformly browned but it is not easy to judge)
Flip it over and the brown crispy layer of the cheese is attached (#2 in the composite picture)
Place on half of pork and cheeses (#3 in the composite picture)
When the cheeses start melting, fold the tortilla with a small spatula and press and hold (#4)
After one more minute, carefully flip over and cook other side for one more minute.
Top it with the guac (and sour cream if using) and the side of salsa. This was perfect lunch for us.
Monday, January 1, 2024
Table of contents 2024
January 2024
January 1, Happy New Year 2024 明けましておめでとう2024
January 5, Tomato and Egg Stir-fry with Wood Ear and Natto 納豆、トマト、木耳の卵炒め
January 22, Goat Cheese Scallion Muffin ゴートチーズと青葱マフィン
January 25, White "Pineberry" and Red "Koyo" Stawberries 白いイチゴと昂揚イチゴ
January 28, Beef with Kon-nyaku and Vegetable "Kimpira" Stir Fry 牛肉と蒟蒻の金平
February 2024
February 3, Chestnut Brown Butter, Sage Muffin 栗の粉とセイジマフィン
February 8, Grated Lotus Root and Tofu Ball レンコン豆腐饅頭
February 11, Sweet Onion Bread Pudding 玉ねぎのブレッドプディング
February 15, Shad Roe from South Carolina 南カロライナからのシャドロウ
February 18, Cranberry Camembert Cheese Bites クランベリーソース、カマンベールチーズ バイツ
February 21, Simmered Shad Roe with Vegetables シャドロウの煮付け
February 24, Shad Roe Pasta シャドロウパスタ
February 27, Pickled Cucumber キュウリの漬物
March 2024
March 1, “Maitake” Hen of the Woods Mushroom in Brown Butter and Sage 焦がしバターとセイジ風味舞茸
March 4, Instant Pot BBQ Baby Back Ribs バーベキューベイビーバックリブ
March 7, Salted Oatmeal Cookie 塩味オートミールクッキー
March 10, Lobster Salad ロブスターサラダ
March13, “Roman” Gnocchi ローマンニョキ
March 22, Duck Tender Cutlet and Arancini 鴨ささ身のカツレツ
March 25, Mary Walsh’s Currant Cake マリーウオルシュのカラントケーキ
March 28, St. Patrick’s Day Dinner, Lamb Chops and Cabbage with bacon セントパトリックのディナー
April 2024
April 6, Pumpkin “Kabocha” salad カボチャのサラダ
April 10, Mini Fruit Galettes ミニフルーツガッレト
April 21, Spinach Soufflé (easy version) ほうれん草のスフレ
April 30, Frangipane Rolls フランジパンロール
May 2024
May 13, Pickled Micro Cucumber and Daikon 小さなキュウリと大根のピクルス
May 15, Steamed Carrot Buns with Ginger Custard 人参蒸しパン生姜カス...
May 18, Braised Eggplant with Oyster Sauce 茄子と椎茸のオイスターソース炒め
May 21, Creamed Spinach with Cauliflower Puree カリフラワーピュレのク
May 24, Anchovy Salad アンチョビサラダ
May 27, Daikon Steak and Two Appetizers 大根ステーキ
May 30, Focaccia Bread Baked in Breville Pizzaiolo Indoor Pizza Oven
June 2024
June 2, Steak and 2004 Joseph PhelpさんInsignia ステーキディナーと2004 インシグニア
June 5, Gyoza made with New Round Gyoza Skin 日本風の餃子の皮で作った餃子
June 8, Filled Wool Bread 毛糸のパン
June 11, Shrimp Shumai 海老焼売
June 14, Pumpernickel Boule ドイツ黒パン
June 17, Ice Breaker “Summer” Sake 玉川アイスブレイカー酒
June 20, Carrot Panna Cotta 搾りたて人参ジュースのパナコタ
June 23, Miso-marinated Firefly Squid ホタルイカの味噌焼き
June 26, Wood Ear Mushroom and Wakame Salad 木耳とわかめの和物
June 29, Nine “Otoshi” Appetizers お通し九種類
July 2024
July 2, Egg roll 春巻き
July 5, Red and Green Udon “Pasta” with Prosciutto 生ハムのせ赤と緑のうどんパスタ
July 8, Pizza Made in Indoor Electric “Pizzaiolo” Pizza Oven
July 11, Garlic Chive Dumpling ニラ頭饅 or 韮菜万頭
July 14, Mitsuba ミツバ
July 17, Dassai 45 and Dassai blue comparison 獺祭45とDassai Blue 50 飲み比べ
July 28, Cucumber in soy sauce 胡瓜の醤油漬け
July 31, Tofu, Egg and Garlic Chives Stir Fry 豆腐ニラ玉、木耳入り
August 2024
August 9, Home Coffee Roasting 緑コーヒー豆の自家焙煎
August 12, Icelandic Pumpernickel (Rye) Bread アイスランドのライ麦パン
September 2024
September 2, Smelt Fry シシャモフライ
September 5, Pesto Blini ペストビリニ
September 8, Yakitori de le Canard 鴨ささみで焼き鳥
September 11, Vegetables in Cold Broth 冷製のトマトの煮浸し
September 14, Pesto Blini Prosciutto Cheese Sandwich ペストビリニの生ハムチーズサンド
September 17, Chicken Tender Fry with Salted Plum Sauce and Perilla ささみの梅大葉揚げ
September 21, Simmered Dried Daikon Threads 切り干し大根の煮物
September 24, Fresh Corn Blini コーンビリニ
September 27, Stir-fried Eggplant and Shiitake in Oyster Sauce 茄子と椎茸のオイスターソース炒め...
September 30, Mashed Potato Blini マシュポテトのビリニ
October 2024
October 3, Five appetizers お通し5品
October 10, Hen-of-the-Woods Grilled Cheese 舞茸のチーズ焼き
October 13, Strawberry Blini いちごビリニ
October 16, Enoki mushroom frittata エノキ オムレツ/フリッタータ
October 19, Kabocha salad カボチャサラダ
October 22, Matsutake (from Weee) Touban-yaki 松茸の陶盤焼き
October 25, Black Cod Marinated in Saikyo miso 銀鱈の西京(味噌)焼き
October 28, Egg-wrapped Kabocha カボチャの黄金焼き
October 31, Almond Olive Oil Cake アーモンドオリーブオイルケーキ
November 2024
November 3, Hiyaoroshi Sake Dewanoyuki “Sho-nai Bijin” 出羽ノ雪 冷やおろし庄内美人
November 6, Hiyaoroshi Sake “Shichi Hon Yari” 七本槍 純米ひやおろし
November 9, Prosciutto-wrapped Haddock 生ハム巻きハドック (コダラ)
November 12, Marinated Chicken Tender Cutlet 鳥のささみのカツレツ
November 15, Crispy Enoki Mushroom エノキのパリパリ焼き
November 18, Bagel ベーグル
November 21, Chestnut Apple Soup クリとリンゴのスープ
November 24, Norwegian Mackerel Teriyaki 冷凍ノルウエイ鯖の照り焼き
November 27, “Imo-ni” Stew famous in Yamagata 芋煮庄内風
November 30, Matsutake and beef cooked in an Aluminum Foil Pouch 松茸と牛肉のフォイル焼き
December 2024
December 8, Chestnut olive oil bread 栗とオリーブオイルケーキ
December 11, Marinated Tofu and Egg Sir fry 味付け豆腐の卵炒め
December 16, Braised daikon with carrot, wood ear, and fried tofu 大根と人参の炒め物
December 19, “Taco Carnitas”-ish タコ カルニタもどき
December 21, Tofu in Warm Broth ミニ湯豆腐
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